The Posthumanist
2021 - 2023
01 *

The Posthumanist is a bilingual (English & German) magazine for art, design, technology and writing from a more-than-human perspective. Anna Nolda Nagele is the Founder and Editor-in-chief.
Dasha has been the Designer of The Posthumanist since its conception in 2021.
The Posthumanist’s design explores the magazine’s research into the more-than-human and otherworldly. Each issue’s design shifts based on the theme that it explores.
Issue 1 * sleep/schlaf
Issue 2 * rhythms/rhythmen
Dasha has been the Designer of The Posthumanist since its conception in 2021.
The Posthumanist’s design explores the magazine’s research into the more-than-human and otherworldly. Each issue’s design shifts based on the theme that it explores.
Issue 1 * sleep/schlaf
Issue 2 * rhythms/rhythmen